Saturday, March 2, 2013

Just a Quick About Me

Over the years I have started blogs, probably about three different ones total. I would post in them a couple times then stop. Last summer I decided to make some changes in my life, basically I'm gonna start speaking up. Recently I started a weight loss journey as well, and have been blogging on that site. I realized how helpful blogging has been and decided that I should start again. This will be my form of therapy. I think everyone needs/has a form of therapy. 
In the middle of January I started Nutrisystem, I have lost 18.5 pounds since and have a little more than 100 pounds to go. It is gonna be a long journey but I am doing this for my children. I want to be healthy for them, I want to be around as long as I can, I want to be comfortable with being in pictures with them, I want them to have healthy lives. 
So a little about myself, I'm in my twenties, I have two kids (2 years old and 5 months old). I am married but neither of our families know (story for another post). We have two dogs. I have a bachelors degree in psychology. Currently I am a stay at home mom but I have had several different jobs. Throughout high school and college I was a lifeguard and swim instructor. I worked for a short time, after college, as a preschool teacher. Then I worked at a child and family center, started as a direct care worker in a RTC and then became a family support worker. As a direct care worker I worked with teenagers that were either hard to place, taken from their homes or their parents gave up their rights. As a family support worker I went into peoples homes and taught them about parent-child interaction, child development, put them in touch with community resources and monitored for any abuse. Both we very emotionally challenging but I have learned a lot from them. 
After high school I went to a college in upstate NY, once I graduated I stayed in the city my college was located for about 10 years. Just over a year ago we moved back downstate and are living with my mother. We are here to save money so we can move south and buy a house, which we are planning on doing in the next couple years. 
Gonna get going for now, need to get a couple more things done before the kids wake up from their naps. 

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